Reiki Academy - Montreal
A Concordia 1987 Graduate. Carole has a Master’s degree in Economics, BA in Commerce and Economics from Alexandria University in Egypt. Carole has worked in the Banking sector Bank of America, National Bank of Greece and BNP Paris Bas then has pursued her career in the Telecommunications industry and has established her own business with her husband and has managed for thirty years one of the most successful private owned Telecom companies in Quebec. The company has received several awards for management and sales accomplishments.
In 2014 Carole had a calling to pursue life differently, she has met a friend that was in the same domain and worked for a multinational company and has a master degree in Electrical engineering. The owner and CEO of Ananda Om had opened her academy in Montreal where Carole joined in 2015 and followed courses in Reiki, Meditation and Nutrition.

Pursuing the Path
After pursuing more than 35 years in the corporate world and seeing the stress, burn out and high rate of absenteeism of employees on the rise. Employees trying to perform to obtain promotions to escalate their career and employers trying to maintain their business and profitability or expansion. Carole has an extensive understanding of the corporate world.

Also dealing with people for their concerns and anxiety is another aspect where she excelled at. A member of Institute de Naturopaths of Quebec since 2019, Carole combines the knowledge of what stress people go through and feel at work and home. She helps and trains people on how to use these stress relief techniques which allows them to cope and overcome these stressful situations we face.
Path to the Reiki Acedemy
There were several factors that has shifted my perception in the way I saw life and how rewarding it was to help others whether individuals, employers, family friends but one of the most important factor was that my mother was starting Alzheimer and Dementia and I realized that my mother needed full time care attention and love. This was a turning point in my life and wanted to know the source of this disease how to help and how to prevent. At the same time I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and had to undergo breast surgery followed by radiation in 2017.
I could not take care of my mother full time at home as she lived with us, but I had to undergo my treatments and had a healing journey to pursue. I had to place my mother at a CHSLD which was quite painful as it was the first time we separate. One thing I promised to her is to see her every day and give her quality time I saw the suffering and lack of love compassion in these residences and learned a lot. I started to help my mother with breathing techniques and gave her Reiki on a daily basis did movements and made her listen to frequencies and music and danced and sang with her. A lot of neighbor’s nurses joined our nightly gathering which cheered them up and some were waiting daily for my presence.

All the teaching I have learned and certificates I have earned have come to serve me at these critical moments. It gave me love, strength, compassion, know how, experience. I was helping some with their pain and others with their anxiety but specially helping my mother with her mood and pain. One thing I could say doctors were amazed on how she did it that long with always a smile on her face.
I also started reading, following courses on prevention of Alzheimer’s and Breast Cancer. I have a lot of knowledge, and compassion to teach and guide people in this area. It was an awakening journey.
The path of Natural healing and alternative medicine was so rewarding. I earned my Reiki Grand Master Certificate in September 2016 followed with meditation classes, tapping, nutritional classes, sound frequencies, reflexology, massage, eye movement technique, Pranayama breathing, Bengston method and more.